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Eyelid Surgery
What is Eyelid Surgery?
Facial features are influenced by various factors, such as environmental changes and aging. To address these changes, cosmetic surgery is considered an effective solution. Eyelid surgery is one of the most prominent and popular cosmetic procedures used to enhance the appearance of the eyes.
Over time, the muscles around the eyes weaken, leading to drooping of the upper and lower eyelids, as well as the appearance of bags under the eyes. Eyelid surgery is considered the ideal solution to address these issues.
Eyelid Surgery in Turkey
Eyelid surgery in Turkey is one of the most prominent cosmetic procedures aimed at improving the appearance of the eyes by removing sagging skin and excess fat from the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure involves reshaping the eyelids to make them more harmonious with the facial features. The surgery typically takes about two hours if both the upper and lower eyelids are treated together.
Benefits and Side Effects of Eyelid Surgery
The side effects of eyelid surgery are generally low-risk, with patients possibly experiencing some swelling that typically subsides within one to two weeks after the procedure. As for the results, upper eyelid surgery usually lasts between 5 to 7 years, while additional surgery for the lower eyelid is rarely needed due to the long-lasting effects of the procedure.
Who is the Ideal Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?
Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic procedure that requires the candidate to be in good health, with no underlying health conditions that could negatively impact the surgery or cause complications during or after the procedure. Individuals who are most likely to benefit from this surgery are often from the following groups:
- Thyroid patients, as well as those suffering from dry eyes or high blood pressure.
- Individuals who have circulatory disorders or cardiovascular problems.
- Diabetic patients.
- People who have retinal problems or glaucoma.
- Individuals who are psychologically stable and can realistically anticipate the potential outcomes of the procedure.
- Individuals over the age of 35.
Important Tips and Guidelines Before Eyelid Surgery
Before undergoing eyelid surgery, there are several tips and guidelines that the patient should follow to ensure the success of the procedure and minimize potential risks. These recommendations include the following:
Performing Necessary Medical Tests: The patient should undergo the required medical tests to assess their overall health and evaluate their suitability for the procedure.
Follow the Doctor’s Instructions Regarding Medications: It is important to take the medications prescribed by the doctor, as they may help facilitate the surgery process.
Inform the Doctor About Current Medications: The patient should inform the doctor of any medications they are currently taking to avoid negative interactions or complications during and after the procedure.
Quit Smoking: It is advised to refrain from smoking for at least a month before the surgery, as smoking can negatively affect the healing process and increase risks.
Avoid Certain Medications and Supplements: It is important to avoid medications such as aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as herbal supplements that may increase the risk of bleeding and swelling. It is recommended to refrain from taking them for at least two weeks before the surgery.
Avoid Stimulants and Alcohol: It is recommended to stop consuming stimulants such as coffee and alcohol for at least two weeks before the surgery, as they can negatively affect anesthesia.
Avoid Blood Thinners: It is important to avoid consuming blood thinners such as green tea, as they can cause severe bleeding and affect the healing process.
Stages of Eyelid Surgery
There are various methods for eyelid lifting, but at Venus Hospital, we use the surgical technique to achieve precise and effective results with high success rates. The eyelid surgery consists of three main and straightforward stages:
Anesthesia Stage: This stage aims to ensure the patient’s comfort and prevent any pain during the surgery. Anesthesia can be administered either through general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The cosmetic surgeon determines the most suitable type of anesthesia based on the patient’s condition.
Surgical Incision Stage: In this stage, the surgical incision lines are carefully planned to ensure that the scars are hidden within the natural folds of the eyelid. For the upper eyelid, the surgeon makes an incision along the natural crease, where excess fat beneath the skin is removed or redistributed, muscles are tightened, and sagging skin is eliminated. For the lower eyelid, the incision is made just below the lash line to remove or redistribute excess fat.
Incision Closure Stage: After removing the excess skin and fat, the surgeon closes the incision using fine cosmetic sutures. These sutures are typically removed about a week after the procedure.
Tips and Guidelines After Eyelid Surgery
To ensure a healthy recovery period and quick healing after eyelid surgery, it is essential to follow some simple and practical guidelines. Here are some instructions to adhere to after the procedure:
Using Ice Packs: Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to apply ice packs to the eyes for ten minutes every hour to reduce swelling and relieve pressure on the surgical area. On the following day, the ice packs should be applied four to five times throughout the day.
Gently Cleaning the Eyelids: The eyelids should be cleaned gently using the eye drops and ointments prescribed by the doctor to ensure a quick recovery.
Avoid Strain and Intense Activity: It is advisable to avoid any strenuous activity or physical exertion for a week after the surgery, as this may affect the recovery speed.
Avoid Swimming: It is recommended to refrain from swimming for at least a week after the procedure to prevent any irritation or infection.
Avoid Intense Exercise: It is important to refrain from engaging in any strenuous physical exercise for at least a week after the surgery.
Quit Smoking: It is advised to refrain from smoking for a certain period after the procedure to enhance the healing process and reduce risks.
Avoid Rubbing the Eyes: It is important to avoid rubbing the eyes or excessively touching the eyelids to prevent any infections or damage to the area.
Avoid Contact Lenses: It is recommended to refrain from using contact lenses for at least two weeks after the surgery to ensure comfort and eye safety.
Wear Sunglasses: It is important to wear sunglasses or tinted glasses to protect the eyelids from sun and wind exposure.
Elevating the Head While Sleeping: It is recommended to keep the head elevated above the chest while sleeping for several days after the surgery to reduce swelling.
Avoid Blood Thinners: It is important to refrain from taking blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements for at least a week after the surgery, as these substances may cause bleeding and affect the healing process.
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