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    Breast Augmentation

    Breast Augmentation Procedure

    Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure aimed at giving the breasts a larger size and a fuller, more rounded shape. Medical implants are used in this procedure, the most common of which are those made of silicone or saline.

    The plastic surgeon selects the type of implant based on the desired size, expected results, and other factors such as skin type, body shape, and the woman’s age, as age plays a crucial role in choosing the most suitable implants.

    • Silicone Implants: These are known for providing a natural appearance to the breast. They consist of a silicone shell filled with a gel-like substance that closely resembles the structure of breast tissue. It is required that the woman be over the age of 20 to be eligible for silicone implants.

    • Saline Implants: These provide a larger breast size compared to silicone implants and consist of a silicone shell filled with a saline solution. The implants can be filled with varying amounts of saline depending on the desired size. It is also required that the woman be over the age of 20 to use saline implants.

    Breast augmentation is sometimes performed for therapeutic reasons, such as breast reconstruction after a mastectomy following cancer treatment, or to improve symmetry between the breasts.

    Candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery:

    Not every woman is a candidate for breast augmentation; there are certain criteria that must be met first:

    • The woman must be over the age of 20, and her breasts should be fully developed.
    • She must be in good health and not suffer from any condition that could affect the success of the surgery.
    • Women who have experienced changes in breast size due to weight loss, multiple pregnancies, or breastfeeding.
    • Women who have lost their breasts due to cancer or as a result of an accident.
    • Women who have a noticeable difference in breast size, lack of fullness, or asymmetry between the breasts.
    • Women who are dissatisfied with their appearance due to small breast size.

    Tips Before Breast Augmentation Surgery:

    The doctor will provide you with a set of guidelines that are recommended to follow before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, including:

    • Avoid smoking for a month before the surgery, as smoking constricts blood vessels and reduces oxygen levels in the blood.
    • Stop taking medications that cause blood thinning, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
    • Avoid stimulants, including caffeine, for two weeks before surgery as they may affect the effectiveness of anesthesia.
    • Avoid taking blood thinners, such as alcohol and certain vitamins (especially vitamins E and H), for two weeks before the procedure to reduce the risk of bleeding during surgery.

    Stages of breast augmentation surgery.

    Breast augmentation surgery can be divided into four main stages:

    • Stage one: Clinical examination. The doctor examines the breasts and determines the appropriate size that fits the body shape and meets the requirements of the procedure.

    • Stage two: Medical tests. Necessary blood tests are conducted to check sugar levels and ensure the patient is free from conditions that could hinder the surgery, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or immunodeficiency.

    • Stage three: Preparing the patient. The medical team takes care of preparing the patient for the surgery, and then the anesthesiologist administers general anesthesia.

    • Stage four: Performing the breast augmentation. The doctor makes a small incision to insert the implant into the breast and enlarge it to the desired size.

    Post-operative tips after breast augmentation surgery:

    The recovery period from breast augmentation surgery takes about four to six weeks, and it is important to follow certain medical guidelines to achieve the best results and speed up the healing process, such as:

    • Adhere to wearing the medical bra for a month, as it helps support the breasts and accelerate the recovery process.
    • Avoid any strenuous physical effort or exhausting work, and refrain from exercising for at least a month.
    • Continue to refrain from smoking for two months, as it reduces the oxygen levels necessary for the healing process.
    • Avoid high temperatures, such as Turkish baths or saunas.
    • Avoid direct exposure to harmful sunlight for one month after the surgery.
    • Refrain from lifting heavy objects for four to six weeks after the surgery.

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